
Analysis of the size and distribution of the impacts of agricultural trade at the firm and industry levels in developing countries

Year of publication2015
AbstractThe size and distribution of the impacts of agricultural trade matter to traders and, more important, to upstream links, including farmers and workers whose income depends on agricultural trade revenues. Because it is generally firms, not countries, that practice trade, the size and distribution of the impacts of agricultural trade in developing countries are better examined at the firm and industry level. The main purpose of the studies compiled in this report was to analyse the size and distri bution of trade impacts among heterogeneous agro-trading firms in developing countries, with special attention given to the role of the organization and behaviour of these firms. The studies included reviews of theories and evidence regarding trade impacts at the firm and industry level, as well as four case studies examining the size and distribution of trade impacts for selected agroindustries. The aim was to provide suggestions for targeted policies and efforts to enhance trade benefits among firms and input owners (farmers and workers) in upstream links.
Available inEnglish
ThemeContemporary Global Issues
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
Areas of workEmerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Keywordsagricultural trade; Developing countries; agroindustry; exports; pineapples; mangoes; cashews