
Meat Market Review - Overview of global meat market developments - April 2019

Year of publication2020
AbstractThis publication provides an update on production, trade and price movements of meat products (bovine, ovine, pig and poultry meat). It aims to provide a clear snapshot view of key changes and underlying determinants of world dairy markets. It is the only publication that covers meat market developments in the entire world that is also updated regularly; it supports the division’s objective in providing market information relevant for policy makers, helping them in the process to take data-based policy decisions. • Average meat prices rebounded in 2019 following a fall in 2018. • Prices for pig meat rose the most in 2019, followed by bovine and poultry meat, but ovine meat eased from their highs. • Global meat production fell by 1.0 percent after two decades of steady growth in 2019, as pig meat production plummeted, only partially compensated by increases across all other meat complexes, especially poultry. • Global meat exports rose by 6.8 percent – the highest rate to record since 2012.
Available inEnglish
ThemeAgricultural Commodities and Development
Product typeJournal; magazine; bulletin
SeriesMeat Market Review
Areas of workGlobal Commodity Markets
Keywordsmeat products; market prices; trade; forecasting