
Crop Prospects and Food Situation #2, May 2010

Quarterly Global Report

Year of publication2010
AbstractFAO’s first forecast for world cereal production in 2010 is 2 286 million tonnes, 1.5 percent up from last year and similar to the record level of 2008. However, with some major crops yet to be planted, much will depend on climatic conditions in the coming months. In Low-Income Food-Deficit countries, early prospects for the 2010 crops are mixed. In Southern Africa, smaller maize outputs are anticipated in several countries. In Far East Asia, the impact of dry weather during the winter season was mitigated by adequate irrigation supplies and good wheat and first season rice crops are being gathered. International cereal prices have declined in the past months and are below their levels of a year ago reflecting ample cereal supplies in 2009/10 and prospects for large crops in 2010.
Available inEnglish
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesCrop Prospects and Food Situation
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsStocks; yields; agricultural products; yield forecasting; agricultural situation; diffusion of information; weather; disasters; food crops; trade; food supply; emergency relief; cereals; production; international trade; cereal crops; food stocks; imports;