
GIEWS Update - The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 17 June 2015

Prolonged dry spell raises serious concerns for 2015 food crop production

Year of publication2015
AbstractProlonged dry spell from April to early June in main growing areas of the country affected plantings and yield potential of the 2015 food crops. Production of the 2014/15 early season potatoes and minor wheat and barley crops, currently harvested, anticipated to be considerably reduced. More rains are urgently needed to avoid a significant decrease in 2015 cereal production and the deterioration of the food security situation.
Available inEnglish
Product typeNewsletter
SeriesGIEWS - Updates
CountryDemocratic People's Republic of Korea
RegionAsia and the Pacific
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsDrought; production; wheat; barley; potatoes; food security; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.