
Gap analysis to support due diligence in the avocado and pineapple sectors

Year of publication2023
AbstractThe FAO-led project "Building responsible global value chains for the sustainable production and trade of tropical fruits" (GCP/GLO/022/GER) (the Responsible Fruit Project) supports industry actors in the avocado and pineapple sectors in developing risk-based due diligence systems to help them become more sustainable and resilient to shocks, such as climate-related events, pest outbreaks and economic recessions. Due diligence helps companies to avoid activities along their entire value chains that have negative impacts on the environment and on people’s livelihoods and well-being. In many countries, newly passed or proposed laws require companies to carry out due diligence to identify, assess, mitigate, prevent and account for how they address adverse impacts of their activities and those of their suppliers and business partners. Companies in the tropical fruit sector often use voluntary sustainability standards to manage risks and to comply with requirements of international markets. The usefulness of such standards in supporting due diligence partly depends on how aligned they are with international expectations and regulations. This gap analysis guide help companies to make an initial analysis of this alignment
Available inEnglish
ThemeResponsible Business Conduct (RBC) in Agriculture, Responsible Global Value Chains, Responsible Agricultural Supply
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesResponsible Fruits Project
Areas of workEmerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Keywordstropical fruits; crop production; world markets; value chains; due diligence; standards; data analysis