
Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Bulletin #6, 12 July 2023

Year of publication2023
AbstractInternational prices of all major cereals declined in June. Seasonal supplies put downward pressure on both wheat and maize prices, with wheat harvests starting in the Northern Hemisphere and maize harvests continuing in the Southern Hemisphere. Rice prices also declined amid subdued demand for non-Indica rice and efforts to attract export sales in Pakistan. In most countries monitored by FAO, domestic prices of basic foods in June 2023 remained above their year‑earlier levels. High prices of coarse grains persisted in East and West Africa, while seasonal pressure supported declines in maize prices in Southern Africa and South America. In Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia countries and East Asia, ample carry-over stocks and new supplies from ongoing harvests are contributing to softer wheat and wheat flour prices. Meanwhile, in East Asia, domestic rice prices were generally stable across the subregion but increased in major exporting countries. Conflict and insecurity, adverse weather, high prices of agricultural inputs, elevated distribution costs as well as currency weaknesses continue to be the major drivers.
Available inEnglish
Product typeJournal; magazine; bulletin
SeriesFood Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA)
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
Keywordsearly warning systems; maize; wheat; food prices; market prices; cereals; retail prices; wholesale prices; price policies; rice; millets; Sorghum (Poaceae); world; coarse grains; staple foods