Markets and Trade


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Situation as of early September 2014

The FAO/GIEWS Country Cereal Balance System (CCBS) is a database of annual supply and utilization balances for main cereals, covering all countries of the world. It has been maintained by FAO/GIEWS since 1980 and is updated on a continual basis. This statistical report, which is a subset of CCBS data, presents the current-year cereal supply and demand balances for all sub-Saharan African countries, highlighting cereal import and food aid requirements...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Cereal supply and demand balances for sub-Saharan African countries

This technical note revisits the analysis presented in Technical Note No. 9, updating data used in the identification of Import Surges to 2013 to capture recent changes in the global market context of higher and more volatile food prices and significant increases in volumes of imports to food deficit developing countries.

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Series: Trade Policy Technical Notes
Grave food security concerns following the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea

The 2014 main crop harvesting season is about to start and faces difficulties mainly due to labour shortages as a result of movement restrictions following the Ebola outbreak. Disruptions in cross-border trade and marketing activities have resulted in sharp price rises, affecting the food security situation of large numbers of people. An Emergency Operation (EMOP) amounting to 65 000 tonnes was jointly approved by WFP and FAO on 25 August...

Available in: English French
Product type: Newsletter
Series: GIEWS - Special Alerts
Quarterly Global Report

Prospects for 2014 global cereal production improve further with upward revisions to coarse grains and wheat forecasts, contributing to an enhanced cereal supply outlook for 2014/15. n International prices of wheat and maize dropped in June, reflecting favourable production prospects, while rice export quotations increased slightly. Cereal export prices were overall lower than their year earlier levels.

Available in: English French Spanish
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Crop Prospects and Food Situation
Serious food security concerns following escalation of conflict

Iraq has been plunged into a renewed precarious humanitarian situation with the current escalation of armed conflict. Already the long years of instability have led to protracted humanitarian crises and significant deterioration of both accessibility and the quality of essential services. Although some gains were registered in the last several years in containing food deprivation, civil insecurity, disruptions of markets, limited income and lack of access to sufficient food continue...

Available in: English French
Product type: Newsletter
Series: GIEWS - Special Alerts
Situation as of end-June 2014

The FAO/GIEWS Country Cereal Balance System (CCBS) is a database of annual supply and utilization balances for main cereals, covering all countries of the world. It has been maintained by FAO/GIEWS since 1980 and is updated on a continual basis. This statistical report, which is a subset of CCBS data, presents the current-year cereal supply and demand balances for all sub-Saharan African countries, highlighting cereal import and food aid requirements...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Cereal supply and demand balances for sub-Saharan African countries

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Agricultural Commodities and Development
Series: Meat Market Review
Biannual Report on Global Food Markets (May)

Food markets have been affected by weather concerns and political tensions in the Black Sea region, which have boosted the FAO Food Price Index since February. While the 2014 global food import bill could stabilize at USD 1.29 trillion, animal product bills are set to increase, sustained by rising volumes and prices.

Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Agricultural Commodities and Development
Series: Dairy Market Review
7 April 2014

Civil insecurity has been a serious and consistent threat to the political stability and economic development of the Central African Republic (CAR) since its independence in 1960. The economic performance of CAR has often been subpar, despite vast endowments of arable lands, dense forests, gold and diamonds, largely due to the political instability caused by poor governance, successive coups and presence of foreign militants, especially in the northeast. In 2012,...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports