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12 August 2010

Following reports of poor harvest expectations in central and southern provinces due to a prolonged dry spell, an FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited the country from 6 to 29 May 2010. The Mission evaluated food crop production in the 2009/10 agricultural season, assessed the overall food supply situation, forecast cereal import requirements and possible exports in marketing year 2010/11 (April/March) and determined the eventual food aid...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
9 August 2010

Following a period of unfavourable rainfall distribution in December and January, particularly in the eastern and central parts of country, the Government of Zimbabwe requested a FAO and WFP independent evaluation. In response, a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited the country between 14-18 June 2010, to conduct a condensed assessment of the 2009/10 cereal production and evaluate the overall food security situation to determine the...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports

Available in: English French Spanish
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Series: Rice Market Monitor
Biannual Report on Global Food Markets (June)

As this report goes to print, concerns over macroeconomic prospects and global financial markets are once more gaining the headlines. Changes in the economic environment, including continuing fluctuations in exchange rates and high unpredictability have a strong influence on agricultural commodity markets. From the supply side, however, the 2008-2009 price boom spurred plantings and production of many food crops, resulting in a recovery in inventories and boosting stocks-to-use ratios, a...

Available in: English French Spanish Chinese
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook
Quarterly Global Report

FAO’s first forecast for world cereal production in 2010 is 2 286 million tonnes, 1.5 percent up from last year and similar to the record level of 2008. However, with some major crops yet to be planted, much will depend on climatic conditions in the coming months. In Low-Income Food-Deficit countries, early prospects for the 2010 crops are mixed. In Southern Africa, smaller maize outputs are anticipated in several countries....

Available in: English French Spanish Chinese
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Crop Prospects and Food Situation
Situation as of mid-April 2010

The FAO/GIEWS Country Cereal Balance System (CCBS) is a database of annual supply and utilization balances for main cereals, covering all countries of the world. It has been maintained by FAO/GIEWS since 1980 and is updated on a continual basis. This statistical report, which is a subset of CCBS data, presents the current-year cereal supply and demand balances for all sub-Saharan African countries, highlighting cereal import and food aid requirements...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Cereal supply and demand balances for sub-Saharan African countries

Available in: English French Spanish
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Agricultural Commodities and Development
Series: Rice Market Monitor
26 February 2010

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission visited Ethiopia from 9 November to 4 December 2009 to estimate the 2009 main meher season cereal and pulse production; review the 2009 secondary belg season harvests; forecast the 2010 belg season production; and assess the overall food supply situation for the 2010 marketing year (January/December). Accompanied by experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoARD), the Central Statistics Authority...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
23 de febrero de 2010

La Misión conjunta FAO/PMA de Evaluación de Cosecha y Seguridad Alimentaría (CFSAM) visitó Guatemala desde el 3 hasta el 23 de noviembre de 2009. La Misión tuvo como objetivo la evaluación de la producción de los granos básicos (maíz, fríjol y arroz), localmente afectados por eventos climáticos adversos en las áreas denominadas del corredor seco sobre todo en la Región Oriente del país.

Available in: English Spanish
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
17 February 2010

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited Southern Sudan from 19 October to 14 November 2009 to estimate cereal production and assess the overall food-security situation. The Mission included representatives from the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS), the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF), the Southern Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC), FEWSNet, FAO and WFP.

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports