Markets and Trade

FAO Food Outlook predicts declining international trade in some basic foodstuffs

- 10/11/2023
Rome, HQ
Rome, HQ
Rome - Production prospects across most basic foodstuffs are favourable, but extreme weather events, rising geopolitical tensions and sudden policy changes pose risks for global food production systems and could potentially tip delicate demand-supply balances and dampen prospects for trade and global food security, according to a new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

The latest Food Outlook, a biannual publication, offers updated forecasts for the production, trade, utilization and stocks of major food staples.
Trade volumes in coarse grains and rice are expected to decline in 2023/24, even as global maize output is forecast to post a significant increase driven by increased plantings in Brazil and the United States of America.

World trade in vegetable oils and fats is also expected to dip modestly, while global production and consumption are anticipated to expand.
Trade volumes are also expected to decline in the coming year for sugar, dairy products, meat and fish, according to the report, which also offers a compendium of major policy developments in the food commodity sector since mid-May.