Marchés et commerce

Fourth Global Conference of the World Banana Forum

- 13/03/2024

The Secretariat of the World Banana Forum (WBF), a multi-stakeholder network coordinated by the Markets and Trade Division (EST) of FAO, is delighted to extend an invitation to Members to the Fourth Global Conference of the World Banana Forum, to be held at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy on Tuesday, 12 March and Wednesday, 13 March 2024.

We are also pleased to kindly invite Members to the following three side events: the Third International Meeting on Gender Equity in the Banana Industry on 11 March; the Event on TR4 and the Future of the Banana Industry on 11 March and the Global Conference on Living Wages and Living Income in the Banana Industry on 14 March.

The World Banana Forum is a multi-stakeholder sector-specific platform actively advocating the adoption of best practices to achieve sustainable banana production and trade. It involves Members and representatives from the private sector, farmer organizations, agribusinesses, governmental institutions, trade unions, retail sector, civil society organizations, research institutions and certification bodies.

This event will bring together a wide range of stakeholders engaged in the banana sector, providing a unique opportunity to strengthen collaboration on the pressing challenges faced by the industry.

The Conference will address various topics related to the sustainability of the banana industry, including environmental impacts, climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable production systems, distribution of value in the supply chain, living wages, shared responsibility, due diligence, labour rights, decent work and gender equity. Additionally, the conference will provide updates on the latest WBF developments and will elect the new members of the Steering Committee.