FAO Members Gateway

The new FAO corporate web site


On 16 November, an upgraded, fully mobile-responsive corporate web site will go live. The new fao.org uses state-of-the-art technology and responds to current digital trends and user behaviour.

The digital world is constantly evolving. Visitors are seeking shorter, more concise, graphically appealing content that can be accessed quickly, efficiently and on-the-go. The new homepage responds to these needs by being updated daily with selected content from around the house. New daily content will allow FAO to highlight its important work around the world and connect it to relevant world events.

The Members Gateway will be accessible from a dedicated section highlighting FAO’s presence in the Field. This section, FAO Worldwide, features an interactive revolving globe with pins representing FAO’s offices around the world. This demonstrates, through an engaging graphic, FAO’s truly international presence.

Having studied the homepages of many top development organizations and UN agencies, FAO’s new homepage is in line with the latest design principles, responds to digital user habits and serves to engage external audiences, encouraging them to read more of FAO’s content, to use its resources and to trust its data.

You are kindly invited to join us for the presentation of the new web site on Wednesday, 15 November 11:00 in the Sheikh Zayed Centre. Otherwise, visit fao.org on 16 November to see the new face of FAO’s digital evolution. 

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