FAO Members Gateway

Highlighting Collaboration

The new Rome-based agencies web site


FAO, IFAD and WFP have launched a brand new Rome-based agencies (RBA) website. The RBAs share a common vision, guiding principles for enhanced collaboration and distinctive strengths that build upon one another. The website features content from the three agencies, highlighting their collaboration in eliminating world hunger.

The Rome-based agencies work together in many ways to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and SDG2 (Zero Hunger) in particular. Each agency has a unique mandate related to technical expertise, international financial assistance and food aid. By working together, these strengths complement each other and give Member Countries the benefit of a joint response.

With news, videos, documents and an event calendar, the website focuses on describing the extent of the RBA collaboration. The site will also feature joint campaigns.


As the three agencies increasingly work together, the web site will be chance to showcase these combined efforts and to give Member Countries an overview of the results. 

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