Portal para los Miembros de la FAO

FAO launches new South-South Cooperation Gateway: an information sharing platform


South-South Cooperation is the mutual sharing and exchange of development solutions - knowledge, experiences and good practices, policies, technology and resources - between and among countries in the global South. Triangular Cooperation involves partnerships between two or more developing countries along with a third partner, typically a traditional resource partner and/or multilateral organization.

FAO has launched a new platform called the South-South Cooperation (SSC) Gateway, a platform designed to share information about the wide range of food and agriculture institutions and expertise in the global South. The SSC Gateway allows users to access information about institutions, according to technical field and country and provides links to those websites for further information. In some cases, a roster of experts associated with each institution is also provided. The Gateway is intended to facilitate engagement in South-South and Triangular Cooperation, directly between countries, institutions or through FAO. An overview of FAO-facilitated South-South Cooperation initiatives is also available.

Not only does the Gateway enable member countries to engage in SSC directly, it will also allow those interested to identify Southern technical expertise for FAO programmes and projects.

In a pilot phase until the end of 2015, the Gateway has so far been populated with institutions by Argentina, China and Uruguay however wider country involvement and feedback is invited and encouraged to shape and develop the platform further. For more information, contact [email protected].


For more information please visit the South South Cooperation website here.

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