FAO Members Gateway


Read the series on how FAO increased efficiency, effectiveness and transparency to better support its Members in...
FAO has recently released Fish: Know it, cook it, eat it, a genre-defying cookbook that infuses international recipes with insights into the global fish trade; blends scientific facts and cultural history; melds nutritional information and sustainability concerns; and juxtaposes consumer tips with fantasy incursions...
Water is one of the world´s most important resources. It is central to agriculture that accounts for 72 percent of global freshwater withdrawals, to other economic sectors and is essential for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development....
The 2009 FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to prevent, deter, and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (PSMA) has reached 100 States that are now officially Party to it. With the deposit of the instrument...
The October 2022 edition of the FAO publications catalogue is out now. From the latest editions of the State of the World collection to updated technical reports, the catalogue features a selection of FAO’s main publications, providing you with a good...