FAO Members Gateway


The international community has committed to ending hunger and malnutrition by 2030. But can we overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of meeting this target? The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017, launching...
I am convinced that the only path to lasting peace in Colombia consists of dialogue, negotiation, cooperation, inclusion and fairness – which is also the high road to sustainable development in which nobody is left behind. I also believe that...
The 40th Session of the FAO Conference will begin on Monday, 3 July at 9:00 in the Plenary Hall and will continue through Saturday, 8 July 2017. Approximately 600 government representatives, including 5 Presidents and Heads of State, nearly...
On 8 June World Oceans Day will be celebrated worldwide to emphasize the importance of oceans in our everyday lives. Headquarters will symbolically illuminate in blue throughout the evening. First proposed in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,...
FAO Open Day
25 April 2017
As part of the Open House Roma Initiative, FAO is joining over 200 sites around Rome and is opening its doors to the public on 6 and 7 May. This is the first time that FAO is participating in this...