FAO Members Gateway


With rapid soil degradation, fast depletion of groundwater, excessive use of pesticides-fertilizers and extreme weather events all collectively putting stress on farming and forestry, it is time to recognise the fact that agriculture cannot remain the same, either in India...
FAO is making publically available for the first time, a series of internal documents relating to programme and project management, among others. These documents range from the guidelines on the Country Programming Framework (CPF) that orient the development of FAO's...
South-South Cooperation is the mutual sharing and exchange of development solutions - knowledge, experiences and good practices, policies, technology and resources - between and among countries in the global South. Triangular Cooperation involves partnerships between two or more developing...
The first in a series of Conference side events, the high-level panel on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) was held on Saturday. The aim of this event was to present and exchange views promoting food security and nutrition, while also...
Last Friday the Council closed its week-long session with a standing ovation having reached consensus on the Programme of Work and Budget. In the past, budget negotiations have extended well beyond the Council session and were only concluded during Conference. "For...