FAO Members Gateway


A major operation to distribute seeds and tools has been launched in the Central African Republic to support crisis-hit farming families. 
Representatives of all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have gathered here this week to agree on the actions needed to definitively eradicate hunger in the region before 2025. "We know that the fight against hunger is...
Tens of thousands of farmers are bringing in their first rice harvest just six months after one of the worst typhoons to ever hit the Philippines left their fields in tatters and their livelihoods at risk, FAO announced today.
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva today praised UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon for his support in the fight against hunger at a meeting with FAO member countries, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), and UN Rome-based agencies staff.
FAO and the World Health Organization (WHO) will continue to work closely on nutrition, food safety and antimicrobial resistance issues, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and WHO Director Margaret Chan said today. Graziano Da Silva thanked Chan for WHO’s...