Top media houses around the world are raising awareness of the International Year of Millets 2023 and its activities worldwide. Read about the many benefits of millets from their versatility as an ingredient across a range of dishes, to their resilience in arid conditions, their potential to ensure food security and nutrition, and to support the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and local processing service.
Read, learn and get involved in the latest activities organized by #IYM2023.
The Friends of the IYM 2023 help promote worldwide awareness of the many nutritious benefits of millets. Together they are using their influence and networks to make IYM 2023 an international success!
Inform, educate and engage audiences with real facts. Join the #IYM2023 campaign by sharing our free material on digital channels.
This interview with FAO’s Fenton Beed focuses on the potential of millets to help overcome food scarcity in difficult periods, contributing to the food security and nutrition of vulnerable populations.
Get inspired by feature stories on millets from around the world!
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Atrium Exhibition, Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony, and Opening Ceremony.