Chocolate mousse with millets




Serves 6




  1. In a medium pan, combine millets, sugar, coconut milk and water. Place the pan over high heat. Once it boils, reduce the heat and let it cook for 20 minutes. Stir well and set aside.

  2. In a medium glass bowl, place the chocolate to melt in a double boiler and set aside.

  3. Using a food processor, combine the cooked millet and melted chocolate. Process the mixture until you achieve a smooth and homogeneous cream consistency.

  4. Serve the chocolate mousse while it is still hot or warm for the best texture and flavour. If it cools down, it may harden.


About the chef


Bela Gil


Bela Gil is a successful chef, presenter, writer and activist who promotes healthy, nutritious and sustainable diets. She recently opened Camélia Òdòdó, a sustainable plant-based restaurant in São Paulo, Brazil. Bela incorporates agroecology into its every aspect from sourcing local, seasonal and sustainable food to using natural plant-based dyes for the restaurant’s uniforms. She finds creative ways to mitigate food waste in her recipes and builds consumer awareness around sustainable healthy diets.