FAO in Mongolia


12 March 2024
In Mongolia, rural communities and pastoralists are among those most vulnerable to climate change, and it is often the country’s provincial and district governments who are the first responders to climate events. That is why implementing effective climate action requires all levels of government and society to be engaged during...
06 March 2024
SUPPLY OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT We are inviting organizations to tender for the supply of laboratory equipment. If you are interested, please register your organization using the link provided below. Upon registration, you will gain access to the service bidding document.   https://help.ungm.org/hc/en-us/articles/360012810860-How-to-register-as-a-supplier-on-UNGM?fbclid=IwAR3RjvgAcfKO9f_BsspPLQ1qD-v36x7v7KLRQd3zrZ1WXvIFKakefW0mB1o The reference code: 2024/FAMON/FIELD/126109 The deadline for submitting your offer is on 13...
06 March 2024
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) AND CYBERSECURITY (CS) AUDIT OF MAHIS We are inviting organizations to conduct an Information Technology (IT) and Cybersecurity (CS) audit for MAHIS. If you are interested, please register your organization using the link provided below. Upon registration, you will gain access to the service bidding document.  https://help.ungm.org/hc/en-us/articles/360012810860-How-to-register-as-a-supplier-on-UNGM?fbclid=IwAR3RjvgAcfKO9f_BsspPLQ1qD-v36x7v7KLRQd3zrZ1WXvIFKakefW0mB1o Reference code: 2024/FAMON/FIELD/126131 The deadline...
16 January 2024
СЭДЭВ: МАЛЫН ДОТОР МАХ, ДАЙВАР ТҮҮХИЙ ЭД АШИГЛАН ХҮҮХДИЙН ХООЛНЫ ШИНЭЛЭГ ЖОР, ТЕХНОЛОГИ БОЛОВСРУУЛАХ     Европын холбооны санхүүжилттэй “Монгол улсад Тогтвортой хөгжлийн зорилгуудтай уялдсан төсвийн төлөвлөлтөөр хөдөлмөр эрхлэлтийн шинэчлэлийг дэмжих нь” төслийн дор малын дотор махны хүнс тэжээлийн болон биологийн үнэт чанарыг таниулах, хэрэглээг нэмэгдүүлэхэд чиглэсэн цуврал үйл ажиллагаа хэрэгжүүлж байгаа болно. Энэ...
11 January 2024
  NOTIFICATION OF A SKILLS COMPETITION AMONG KINDERGARTEN AND SECONDARY SCHOOL NUTRITIONISTS AND CHEFS      THEME: ADVANCEMENT IN NEW CRAFTING RECIPES AND COOKING TECHNOLOGIES FOR DISHES UTILIZING OFFAL MEAT     Within the framework of the European Union funded “SDG-Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia” project UNJP/MON/022/UND, a range of initiatives is underway to...