FAO in Mongolia

Mongolia kick starts TCP: Piloting the Climate-Smart approach in the livestock production systems


 Piloting the Climate-Smart approach in the livestock production systems TCP was launched to adopt Climate Smart approaches in livestock production systems of Mongolia. The TCP launch involved all stakeholders, involving participation of more than 100 representatives of governmental, national and international non-governmental organizations, research institutes, universities and herders of the three pilot provinces.

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry designated the following three soums as pilot areas of the project: Luus soum of Dundgobi aimag, Tsenkhermadal soum of Khentii aimag and Batsumber soum of Tuv aimag.

During the project launch workshop, Livestock development officers from FAO Asia and Pacific Regional office and Head Quarters office have presented about Perspectives of global and regional livestock production and livestock specific tool (GLEAM) designed to support governments in calculating emissions.

FAO has defined climate-smart agriculture is one that ‘sustainably increases productivity, enhances resilience (adaptation), reduces/removes greenhouse gases (mitigation) and enhances achievement of national food security and development goals’.