FAO in Mongolia

FAO, WWF and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism to join hands for arresting land degradation and biodiversity erosion in Eastern Mongolia


FAO, WWF and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism jointly organized the consultation workshop for developing project for the the Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program: Dryland Sustainable Landscape under Global Environment Facility seventh replenishment.

The consultation involved all key stakeholders, Government officials in concerned departments from participating aimags, representatives from national and international organizations to closely discuss on the technical design of the project, including the Theory of Change, outcome, outputs, potential activities, logical framework, targets, indicators, and potential execution arrangements.

Tentatively entitled ‘Mainstreaming Sustainable Forest and Land management in Eastern Mongolia and protecting its globally important biodiversity” the primary aim of the developing project is to: (i) reverse degradation of ecosystems; (ii) improve community livelihoods; and (iii) build stakeholders’ capacity to address landscape challenges through effective enabling frameworks, innovative interventions.

The goal of the global Dryland Program is to avoid, reduce, and reverse further degradation, desertification, and deforestation of land and ecosystems in drylands through integrated land management and the promotion of diversified agro-ecological systems and the creation of an enabling environment. The vision aims to secure overall ecosystem integrity and critical national-global environment benefits, such as protecting rare and endangered species, sequestering carbon, and building resilience to climate change while simultaneously ensuring robust and adaptive collaboration across all local-national key sectors and stakeholders, including the private sector.