FAO in Mongolia

FAO Mongolia meets MOFALI Senior Officers


FAO Mongolia team and the Senior Officers from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MOFALI) had an extended meeting on April 15, 2019 to discuss upcoming projects and FAO future programming in Mongolia. Led by the Acting State Secretary of MOFALI, Mr. Jambaltseren Tumur-Uya, MOFALI team comprised the Director Generals of State administration and management department, Policy and planning department, Livestock policy implementation and coordination department, Crop policy implementation and coordination department, Light industry policy implementation and coordination department, Food production policy implementation and coordination department, SME and cooperative policy implementation and coordination department, Animal breeding, registration policy implementation and coordination department and Evaluation, monitoring and internal auditing department. FAO team was led by FAO Representative in Mongolia. On this occasion, the two sides exchanged views and provided inputs on (i) Proposed FAO Country Programming Framework and its pillars, 2) Implementation of an animal identification and registration project to be started soon and 3) Current status and future plans for Mongolian Agenda for Sustainable Livestock.