FAO in Mongolia

Food and Agriculture development partners’ (FADP) platform meeting restarts


Food and Agriculture development partners’ (FADP) platform meeting is ongoing virtually. The main goal of the platform is to coordinate and identify ways to better streamline more strategic investment into the sector along with all Development partners in Mongolia.  

FAO and ADB is organizing the meeting under the joint leadership of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MoFALI) and Minister of Environment and Tourism. The meeting was launched by both Ministers representing respective Ministries. 

Minister Mendsaikhan highlighted “Agriculture is the backbone of Mongolia’s economic development which requires more long-term strategic investment and coordination, and I strongly believe this platform will enable the synergy between all stakeholders. The Platform will be led by Jambaltseren, State Secretary of MoFALI.”

Minister Sarangerel emphasized on the climate aspect in relation to agriculture, and said “Mongolia is one of the ten countries considered vulnerable to climate change while 60 percent of the economy is directly linked to environment. Mongolia’s 78.6% of the land is somewhat desertified. Agriculture is accountable for approximately 40 percent of the greenhouse gas emission. Within the recent years, frequency of natural disaster has doubled. These are alarming numbers and tells us to take actions soonest possible. It is important to introduce eco – innovations and technologies to avoid further environmental damages and fight off climate change. MoET stands committed to support the Platform”

During the meeting SDC shared information on their ongoing Green Gold and Animal Health Project (2014-2021), EU Delegation on next programming cycle, and UNDP on the newly approved GCF project. The Development partners have agreed and thanked the organizers that his meeting will add value to the project implementation more than information exchange, and especially Covid-19 response measures in Food and Agriculture sector as linked to longer term recovery is very relevant now.

The platform meeting will be held regularly to identify the overlaps and gaps within the sector, synergies along with partners to achieve long-term goals that are aligned with the priorities of GoM.