FAO in Mongolia

FAO Mongolia and the Selenge province join hands in developing the general land management plan of Selenge province


The Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) in Mongolia, Mr. Vinod Ahuja and The Governor of Selenge province, Mr. Lkhagvadorj Natsagdorj signed a Letter of Agreement on the development of general land management plan of Selenge province.

This agreement is made within the scope of EU co-funded “Sustainable Resilient Ecosystem and Agriculture Management in Mongolia” (STREAM) project implement by UN FAO.

This general land management plan has great importance on establishing the foundation and policy document for all sectors related to land and natural resources. Through this plan, the project plans to focus on the optimizing the interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment based on the Agroecology approach.  

The STREAM project is co-financed by the European Union and the the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-implemented by GIZ and FAO in cooperation with Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry. The project aims to increase capacity of Mongolian communities to implement innovative and sustainable long-term landscape management to address food system challenges and climate stresses.