FAO in Mongolia

Biosecurity Level 3 Laboratory is soon back in full operations


With the support of the Livestock Commercialization Project (LCP), the repairs have started at the Biosecurity Level 3 Laboratory (BSL-3), a part of State Central Veterinary Laboratory (SCVL).

The BSL-3 was founded in 2007 as a “Centre of Virus Detection” under the cooperation of the Government of Mongolia and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOIKA). It operates with the main objectives to diagnose transboundary animal diseases, certify free zones and prove an absence of the disease for international counterparts. 

Due to the fire incident in November, 2021, the operation of the BSL-3 was suspended. With these repairs, it will be able resume its full operation, complying with high bio-security standards bringing back the full diagnostic capacity of the SCVL.