FAO in Mongolia

FAO- EU joint working trip to Dornod aimag


Vinod Ahuja, FAOR in Mongolia, H.E. Mr. Traian Laurentiu Hristea, Ambassador European Union to Mongolia and Mr. Pierre-Yves Lucas, EU cooperation team leader in Mongolia visited Dornod Aimag during 23-25 February, 2019.

The team had an opportunity to meet with members of “Suun tsatsal” women’s cooperative and “Onkhoodoi Undur” LLC in Khulunbuir soum of Dornod aimag. Both these organizations have been supported by FAO and EU through their joint program on employment creation. Beneficiaries have received dairy processing equipment, theoretical and hands on trainings.

 During the meeting, Ms. Batdelger, leader of the “Suun tsatsal” cooperative said “We are planning to expand our production and diversify products from June once the milk season starts. People now call us and ask for our products. We are very happy with increased demand. This means we will be able to employ more people at our processing facility.” With the project being implemented locally, beneficiary groups have emphasized the positive change it has brought to the herders and people’s tendency on livestock husbandry. The soum was more meat market oriented, however, now people have recognized the market opportunities for dairy as well, increasing the awareness on importance of health of cows and quality of the milk. “Onkhoodoi undur” LLC collected 200-300 liters of milk daily during high seasons from seven households who have passed the sanitation and cow health tests. The households who have not passed the tests are making effort to improve their animal health and supply milk for sustainable income.

Dornod aimag Governor’s Office held an official meeting with the visiting team. Mr. Badamsuren, Governor of Dornod aimag, expressed his gratitude for accepting their invitation to Dornod and introduced the Development goal plans for 2016-2025. Three parties closely discussed projects currently being implemented, lessons learnt, priority areas of respective organizations and potential future cooperation. Delegates of FAO and EU were impressed with the concrete results of the collaboration and support from the local authorities to the project.