FAO in Mongolia

FAO and WHO join hands with Government of Mongolia in developing efficient food control management systems in the country


The representatives of WHO and FAO in Mongolia signed a project agreement with Mr. Ulaan, Minister for Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MOFALI), Government of Mongolia. This is the first tripartite technical cooperation project in support of developing efficient food control management systems in Mongolia. The Office of the National Security Council (NSC)/national food security council will be the key national counterpart integrating inputs from relevant national agencies. The project will be implemented under the strategic guidance of a Project Steering Committee comprising representatives of NSC, MoFALI, Ministry of Health, General Agency for Specialized Inspection (GASI), academia, and WHO and FAO. 

Food safety issues have been always one of the priority areas of the government. During the signing event, Mr. Ulaan Chultem, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry said “It is with great pleasure to see inter sector organizations work together for the bigger purpose and that this projects is starting along with the Healthy Food, Healthy Mongolian national programme of GoM.”

This project aims to improve capacities of key stakeholders for food safety control and management; and strengthen national food system to ensure affordable, safe and nutritious food supply for Mongolian population. The project will make an assessment on the implementation of Food Law d to identify areas and develop baseline for legal and policy interventions to promote safe and healthy diets; strengthen systems for food safety surveillance, risk assessment, risk-based food inspection and risk communication; and raise consumer awareness on food safety including good practices for food handling.