FAO in Mongolia

Engaging Mongolian Youth in Global Food Dialogue


FAO Mongolia staff initiated efforts to engage with school children and youth in Mongolia on global food challenges . As a kick start, Mr. Vinod Ahuja, FAOR in Mongolia delivered a guest lecture on the topic “Creating a Sustainable Food Future: The Next Big Challenge” to the third year students of School of International Relations and Public Administration of National University of Mongolia.

The students were intrigued by the numbers on hunger and malnutrition around the world, as well as Mongolia. The third year students are on the verge of choosing their thesis proposals, and this has been a great opportunity to explore the food security and agriculture sector. 

Mr. Vinod Ahuja, as have been a professor prior to working for FAO, highlighted “Young minds are the key to moving forward the development of countries, and inspiring youths to agricultural sector has been always exciting for me. Also, Mongolian students are bright and the questions I have received were challenging. It has been a great glimpse for me to meet and talk to the future leaders.”

Mr. Ahuja will do another round of lecture for over 200 students at School of Agricultural Economics of Mongolian University of Life Science in May, before the summer vacation starts.