FAO in Mongolia

Mongolian VGGT working group – FAO - ILC


FAO has been supporting The Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security (VGGT) activities in Mongolia, since November 2014, in particular regular meetings of the national platform on governance of tenure and of its relating Working Group. Two projects supported by the Government of Germany have funded this support, which also contributed to the development of a new version of a law on pastureland, the assessment of the governance of tenure in the forestry sector, capacity development of the various actors, dissemination of documents contextualized and translated into Mongolian.

With the end of the last project coming soon and the involvement of International Land Coalition (ILC) as a new partner, the Fifth national seminar of the Mongolian VGGT working group was organized on the 23rd of May, 2019, in Ulaanbaatar. The objectives of the workshop was to take stock of the work progress around VGGT in Mongolia, after 4 years and a half of FAO support and to examine and discuss the results of several initiatives that the government have been undertaking until now. This workshop also had the opportunity to make the link with the National Engagement Strategy of the International Land Coalition. The workshop highlighted the VGGT activities in the world, the implementation of the VGGT at the national level and a presentation of the perspectives offered by the ILC intervention.

Millions of people depend on access to farmland and rangeland, to fisheries and to forests for their livelihoods. Secure, sustainable and equitable access to natural resources is a key for sustainable development.  However, there is growing competition for the use of natural resources, also increased climate change consequences, such as severe climate disasters. In front of these challenges, improved governance of tenure is essential. It is essential for food security, poverty eradication, climate change mitigation and contributing to a foundation for responsible investment and environmental sustainability. VGGT provide a framework and a set of internationally recognized principles, recommendations and practices for a responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forest.