FAO in Mongolia

Message from the President of Mongolia for World Food Day


Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed members of food and agriculture sectors, I welcome you all as honored guests.

The United Nations “World Food Day” is commemorated on the 16th of October every year since 1981. Mongolia, as a member state of the United Nations, supports this initiative and conducts public events every year in celebration. This year, World Food Day will be commemorated with the theme “Our Actions Are Our Future: Healthy Diets for a Zero Hunger World”.

Urgent issues such as global warming, climate change, soil deterioration, population growth, poverty, unemployment, food shortages, development gap between the urban and countryside populations are challenges common to human kind.

In order to overcome these significant challenges, we need to ensure cooperation at local and country levels.

In particular, I would like to address the importance of each country implementing the “Sustainable Development Goals-2030” set by the United Nations. These are a universal call to action to end poverty and hunger, advocate good health and well-being, ensure clean water and sanitation, and promote sustainable industries, innovation and infrastructure.

Mongolia is a country of 3.2 million population, with 60 million head of livestock and 1 million hectares of farmland. Although Mongolia has a small population and small scaled domestic market, we have considerable agricultural resources and therefore full potential to develop our export oriented food production. This is one example of how Mongolia can contribute to the implementation of the U.N.’s “Sustainable Development Goals-2030” at our regional level.

Compared to the potential size of agriculture and resource development, actual domestic demand in Mongolia is small. It not beneficial for our economy and society to produce food that only meets domestic need.

Therefore, it is vital to promote the implementation of agriculture, animal husbandry and food production with consideration to Mongolia’s potential resources. We also need to ensure that we are export oriented, and competitive at regional and international markets.

Furthermore, food and agriculture has a significant role in reducing the vulnerability of financial dependence on mineral industry, diversifying our economy, and ensuring the growth of accessible employment.

The primary goals for all food producers is to support the sustainable development of agriculture and husbandry and to ensure food safety.

In order to create an environment which ensures domestic food security, develops healthy food production and increases food export, Mongolia must first focus on developing cooperative relationships. The private sector, international organizations, government and non-government organizations, research companies and professional organizations all have a role to play in implementing various projects and programs.

I would like to take this opportunity, to express my gratitude to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and its representative office for their valuable contribution to the sustainable development of food and agricultural sector, implementing various projects and programs along with the provision of technical assistance. 

I whole-heartedly support Mongolia’s involvement in the U.N.’s Food and Agricultural organizations initiatives, introducing innovative technology, supporting the policy on sustainable development of rural agriculture and creating a more profitable agricultural sector.

I thank all those working in the food and agricultural sector for making responsible efforts in such honored and valuable work, ensuring sustainable food practices and meeting the demands of our people.


BATTULGA Khaltmaa,  President of Mongolia


Government Palace, Ulaanbaatar

16th of October, 2019