FAO in Mongolia

UNFAO implements early action emergency project to protect livelihoods of vulnerable herder households


Based on the Dzud risk map issued on 2nd of January by the Mongolia National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring (NAMEM) the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations in Mongolia (UNFAO) implemented “Early Action to protect the key livestock-related assets of vulnerable herder households in areas at very high dzud riskf SFER/GLO/005/MUL BABY09 project.

Within the framework of the project, FAO provided unconditional cash and livestock care kit worth of MNT 420,000 to 450 vulnerable herder households in 22 soums of Tuv, Dundgovi, Dornogovi and Bayan-Ulgii. In addition, the project provided logistics support to deliver animal feed with veterinary and health services to all herder households in dzud affected 16soums of Zavkhan aimag. As a result of the early action emergency intervention livelihood assets of over 32,000 people of 6500 herder households in 38 soums of 5 aimags will be safeguarded.

This emergency project was implemented with the financial support of USD 120,000 from Sweden International Development Agency.