FAO in Mongolia

Introducing ICT into agriculture is priority


Introducing ICT into agriculture sector has become a priority for Mongolia with the endorsement of the “National E-agriculture strategy” in January 2020 by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Light industry (MoFALI). Within the framework of technical cooperation projects, FAO jointly developed 5 systems to improve the registration, monitoring and traceability systems in meat value chain and crop sector. Today these 5 systems were handed over to MoFALI.

  1. Plant origin system
  2. Agrochemicals registration and control system
  3. Laboratory information and management system
  4. Blockchain system to track livestock and other products
  5. Internal control system for a meat factory

Minister Z. Mendsaikhan has expressed his gratitude for the close collaboration and highlighted that FAO is one of the strategic partner who have been pushing for the digital transformation with concrete outcomes. He continued by saying “We are very happy to see the first ICT development in the crop sector. Let’s continuously work together to bring new innovations and ICT development into agriculture sector.”   

Also during the meeting, MoFALI and FAO have signed “Development of Young Herders’ Training System to support good livestock husbandry practices” project to kickoff the implementation. The project aims to  enhance the productivity of livestock sector, increase herders’ income, train and boost young herders’ participation to improve the commercialization of livestock products.

Vinod Ahuja, FAO Representative in Mongolia emphasized the importance of supporting young herders, improving their husbandry skills and bringing good agricultural practice in supporting youth employment.