FAO in Mongolia

National Development Agency of Mongolia and FAO join hands to work for SDG2


Ulaanbaatar, 2 June 2021. National Development Agency of Mongolia (NDA) and FAO will work together to mainstream sustainable food and agriculture systems into medium-term policies of Mongolia for the achievement of SDG 2. Today, Batjargal Khandjav, Chairman of NDA and Vinod Ahuja, FAO Representative in Mongolia have signed the agreement to implement a joint project to expand and intensify cooperation in the development of Mongolia’s food and agriculture sector. The goal of the project is to enhance sustainable agriculture and food security policy framework to support food and agriculture value chains conducive to accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal 2.

Project outcomes will contribute to the implementation of the following government policy priorities:

  • Vision 2050. Project outcome could contribute to the policy aim on developing agriculture as a leading sector of the economy that is environmentally friendly, adaptable to climate change, resilient, responsive to social development trends, needs and requirements, responsible, highly productive and sustainable.
  • Five-Year Development Guideline for the Development of Mongolia 2021-2025, medium-term integrated planning document. Project outcome could contribute to policy aim to intensify the use of agricultural production resources and economic turnover, shift from “quantity to quality” by fully meeting demand for key food commodities, and develop intensive animal husbandry.
  • Government Action Program 2020-2024 and its action plan. Project outcome could contribute to policy aim to develop production and sales network of agricultural products, fully meet domestic demand for key food products, and support the production of import-substituting and export-oriented products.
  • Existing sector policy documents on livestock, vegetable farming, climate change (Meat program, Cashmere program, Milk program et al). The project outcome can contribute to objectives on reducing number of livestock, increasing productivity and meeting market demands through climate-resilient agriculture solutions set forth in the State Policy on Food and Agriculture (2003-2008, 2009-2015, 2016-2025).