FAO in Mongolia

“It is time to develop agriculture nationwide, and show that herders are entrepreneurs and business people”


Zavkhan aimag herder’s consultation “Challenge and solution” along with pedigree breeding animal fair trade is being organized by UNFAO and Zavkhan aimag Governor’s office between 18-19 September, 2020.

In the framework of the UN joint project; “Extending Social Protection to Herders with Enhanced Shock Responsiveness” implemented by UNFAO, UNICEF, UNFPA and ILO of the UN Mongolia, have brought together over 200 herders representing 24 soums of Zavkhan aimag. During the two days event herders will have information on improving the quality raw materials for local producers, market access for livestock based products, project activities, insurance advices and support, consultation and fair trade of brand products from 24 soums. Gobi, Mogol wool, Mongoli textile, Erdenet carpet and Darkhan nekhii are taking part in the event, representing local producers to meet with local herders.

During opening speech Minister Ariunzaya.A said “The main goal of the UN Joint project is to increase the resilience of herders, so that they are not reliant on social welfare during any kind of crisis but more economically empowered and active to protect themselves.  It is time to develop agriculture nationwide, and show that herders are entrepreneurs and business people. I really hope this good implementation of the project in Zavkhan will be extended to nationwide. ”

Ms. Ariunzaya.A, Minister for Labor and Social protection; Mr Batsaikhan, Governor of Zavkhan aimag; Mr. Tapan Mishra, UN Resident Coordinator; Mr Vinod Ahuja, FAO Representative; Ms. Kaori Ishikawa, Head of UNFPA;  Pierre-Yves Lucas from EU were present during the opening ceremony.

Vinod Ahuja, Representative of FAO highlighted ”For us, at FAO, social protection has an extremely important role in accelerating sustainable agriculture development and resilience building. This means working closely with herder communities at multiple levels of the whole food system. This means investing in breeding and improving animal genetics, investing in the health animals, good husbandry practices, investing in product quality and market access.”

Tapan Mishra, UN Resident Coordinator said “UN Mongolia stands together to support the herders along with Government of Mongolia at policy level as well at the ground level”.