FAO in Mongolia

FAO pushes Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) high on the animal health agenda in Mongolia


Due to its unique context in Mongolia, the risk of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) remains high. With its large number of livestock population, which outnumbers the human population by a factor of 20, and the easy access to over-the-counter drugs to treat animals, it poses a risk of AMR developing from the food value chain.

Herders commonly self-diagnose, purchase drugs over the counter and administer them to animals without prescription from a qualified animal health professional. In the best-case scenario, the herder may be lucky to effectively treat their animals from diseases. However, in the worst case, the animal may remain sick and be slaughtered for human consumption while containing potential antimicrobial residues in its body, that may end up on people’s plates – truly from farm-to-fork so to speak.

While residues and resistant bacteria pose a risk to both animal and human health, it can also affect the socio-economic development of the country, jeopardizing Mongolia’s endeavors towards expanding the agricultural export sector.  

Following a number of different projects implemented in recent years FAO is now ramping up collaborations and raising awareness of AMR with animal health stakeholders in public and private sectors.

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) 2021 celebrations in Mongolia

In light of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week that took place 18 – 24 November 2021, diverse and interesting programs for the WAAW 2021 was conducted. Under the global theme “Spread awareness, stop resistance,” FAO organized a lunch meeting for policy makers, a zoom call for private and public veterinarians and a Challenge between Veterinary and Medical final-year students.

A step-by-step approach to tackle AMR

 A three-day workshop will be conducted during the upcoming week. A wide array of stakeholders in the animal health sector will discuss the current situation, the needs for improvement and ultimately define the activities to be implemented in the short- and long-term. The workshop will use the Progressive Management Pathway for AMR (FAO-PMP-AMR) developed by FAO.

The results of this workshop will be building bricks for the second version of the National Action Plan (NAP) for the Control of AMR  2021-2024. This NAP is currently drafted by the human-health sector in consultation with the animal health sector and the workshop ensure the planning of activities on AMR surveillance, awareness raising, governance and practices coordinated and integrated for both sectors.

In addition, the workshop outcomes will be considered for the project activities and planning of the AMR Codex Standards (ACT) project of which Mongolia is one of the six participating countries. The ACT project, funded by the Republic of Korea, aims to implement Codex Alimentarius standards to support containment and reduction of foodborne AMR. Moreover, the outcomes will define the herders’ and private veterinarians’-oriented activities to promote responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials under the current animal-health component of the Livestock Commercialization Project.