FAO in Mongolia

Consultation organized to improve regional decision-making processes within the framework of Mongolia’s NDC and ETF


The Climate Change Research and Cooperation Centre under the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Building capacity to advance the National Adaptation Plan Process in Mongolia (UNEP NAP) project, Preparation of the Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report for GHG emission and removals to the UNFCCC (UNEP GEF NCBUR) project and Strengthening capacity in the agricultural, forest and land-use sectors for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of Mongolia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (CBIT) project co-organized a training and consultation event for exchanging information and knowledge necessary to improve regional decision-making processes within the framework of Mongolia’s NDC and ETF under Paris Agreement on April 5-7, 2022.

Sh.Tserendulam, Director General of the Climate Change Department at the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, opened the training event by emphasizing the importance of the development of training modules on key issues of climate change, adaptation, and mitigation, as well as methods for identifying available financial mechanisms for project implementation. More importantly, the training of trainers is critical for laying the groundwork for regional cross-sectoral collaboration on climate change.

The primary objective of the event was to disseminate fundamental information on climate change, build capacity, and provide integrated information on financial mechanisms, climate change adaptation, and mitigation measures to regional specialists from professional organizations, and facilitate future coordination.

A total of 100 specialists from the 21 Aimag Government Offices, Research center for Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environment, the Department of Environment and Tourism, and the Department of Food and Agriculture attended the training and gained resources and insight on the training modules listed below.

Module 1: Climate Change and Its Impacts

Module 2: Climate change mitigation and reduction of GHG emissions

Module 3: Climate change adaptation

Module 4: Climate change policy and measure

Module 5: Climate change financing, preparation, and implementation of climate projects at the regional level

We hope that the knowledge and information gained by the participants during the training will aid in the resolution of local issues as well as the expansion of knowledge and information available to other professional organizations.