FAO in Mongolia

The first meeting of the National Codex Committee was organized by ACT project



"Implementation of Codex Standards to Support Containment and Reduction of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance" (ACT) project organized the first meeting of the National Codex Committee on October 19, 2022 in cooperation with the Department of Food Industry Policy Implementation and Coordination of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MoFALI).

The meeting centered around the discussion of three issues, including:

  1. The structure, goals, and functions of the newly re-established National  Codex Committee within the framework of the MoFALI
  2. Objectives and current activities of the "ACT" project
  3. Three codes of practice and guidelines of the Codex standard were translated into Mongolian by the ACT project and they were presented to the members of the National Codex Committee during the meeting. The committee’s comments and recommendations were received on the following documents:
  • The Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance (CXC 61-2005) which was adopted in 2005 and revised in 2021
  • Guidelines on integrated monitoring and surveillance of foodborne antimicrobial resistance CXG 94-2021, adopted in 2021.
  • The Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance CAC/GL 77- 2011,adopted in 2011 and amended in 2021.

The main result of the first meeting was the planning and agreement on the development of internal procedures of the National Codex Committee. In addition, the committee reached the decision to present the above mentioned three Codex standards to the Technical Committee of the Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology within 2022, with the purpose of adopting the standards in Mongolia.