FAO in Mongolia

Terms of Reference for technical consulting services as part of the incubation services of the agribusinesses



“SDG-Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia” project aims to support increased employment and promotion of decent work in Mongolia. The Project is managed by UNDP in partnership with FAO and ILO. FAO will contribute to the project output of C.4 to boost employability in the agriculture sector of the project.

FAO’s main outcome is to undertake selected pilots with scope for scaling-up, with large-scale potential for youth employment and training, especially in rural areas. The experience of pilots will contribute to effective public-private partnership models, building evidence, establishing lessons, and policy development, better informing national programmes, apart from expanding opportunities and worker productivity.

Under this framework, the projecj is organizing “Agripreneurship Competition” to explore and identify export-oriented and innovative national business brands in food and agriculture sector. As a next step for this process, the project intends to contract legal entity to provide consultation and mentoring for the selected three agribusinesses and support on mainstreaming the seed fund allocation of FAO.




  1. To support the selected agribusinesses identified through previously organized agripreneurship competition and provide technical supervision on the effective seed fund expenditure.
  2. To provide tailored consultation and mentoring services for the selected agribusinesses based on their expression of needs and demand.
  3. To develop tailored incubation program for the three companies


Expected outcomes

  1. Technical supervision provided for the selected agribusinesses on the effective and results oriented usage of the seed fund.
  2. Tailored consulting and mentoring services provided to the agribusinesses on expanding their businesses.



Description of services

The selected SP will develop following deliverables:

  1. To develop results oriented workplan template and provide guidance to the agribusinesses on streamlining their workplan of the fund in line with the workplan template.
  2. To provide supervision on the execution of the planned activities of the agribusinesses
  3. To develop result-oriented reporting template for the agribusinesses to follow accordingly and compile the final reports (English and Mongolian) into one.
  4. To assess the needs of the companies and develop incubation program tailored for their needs.
  5. To provide tailored consulting and mentoring services to the agribusinesses on expanding their businesses.




The selected agribusinesses.


Work plan




Review & Approval


Compilation of workplans

Mar, 2023



Supervision on the execution of workplans

Apr, 2023



Tailored needs-based consulting services

Apr, 2023



Compile results-oriented reports into one final report in English and Mongolian

May, 2023





The Communication and Innovation Specialist, FAO will provide overall coordination.

FAO will mobilize its technical expertise to support successful implementation of the Agreement, industry linkage and stakeholder contact, depending on the subject matter.

All activities including workplan, report and mentoring program is to be pre-discussed and approved by FAO.


Requirements of the SP

  • At least 5 years in operation;
  • Proven record (links or reference letters should be provided) of having successfully completed at least 3 similar assignments (preferably with focus on food, agriculture, innovation and export-oriented product development etc.);
  • The team consists of agriculture, innovation and export focused experts.