FAO in Mongolia

Plant protection


Plant protection means protecting plants from diseases, pests, and weeds and increasing agricultural production, improving product yields and reducing loss but on the other hand, if the chemicals are being used not properly for plant protection, there is a risk of negative effects on human health and the environment. Therefore, the global trends are directing their policies and legal framework to protect the plants before its getting diseased. Hence, it was highly recommended and emphasized that there is an urgent need to update the legal environment of plant health and plant protection in accordance with the characteristics of the development of our country's agricultural sector and global trends. Thus, SDC funded Outcome 4: Legal framework: Legal framework of Inclusive and sustainable vegetable and marketing project (VEGI) of UN FAO provides professional and methodological support on revision of the law on “Plant health and plant protection” to comply with Plant Protection International Convention (IPPC) and its standards (ISPMs).

The project organized a discussion on draft law on plant health and plant protection on 17th of March 2023 with involvement of sectoral scientist, experts, researchers and farmers’organisation at MoFALI. The main objective of the discussion was to finalize the draft law with incorporation of the comments and feedbacks provided by the sectoral scientist and specialist and to prepare the law for submission to Government of Mongolia for discussion. 

In the discussion participated over 40 participants from MoFALI, Plant protection research institute, Mongolian university of life sciences, sectoral NGOs and scientists.