FAO in Mongolia


21 December 2020
On 18 December 2020 the final Steering Committee meeting of the European Union funded project “Support Employment Creation in Mongolia” (SECIM)’ took stock if its achievements: SECIM devised a country and a product specific approach for the development of value chain. Over its entire project cycle, it reached more than...
15 December 2020
Food and Agriculture development partners’ (FADP) platform meeting is ongoing virtually. The main goal of the platform is to coordinate and identify ways to better streamline more strategic investment into the sector along with all Development partners in Mongolia.   FAO and ADB is organizing the meeting under the joint leadership...
10 December 2020
JOINT STATEMENT OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN MONGOLIA ON INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Recover Better - Stand Up for Human Rights   10 December Ulaanbaatar   Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on 10th December as a tribute to when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the universal declaration of human rights in 1948. ‘Faith in...
10 December 2020
Хүний эрхийн олон улсын өдрийг тохиолдуулан НҮБ–ын Монгол Улс дахь төрөлжсөн байгууллагуудын хамтарсан МЭДЭГДЭЛ Цар тахлыг даван туулъя – Хүний эрхийн төлөө нэгдэцгээе! Улаанбаатар хот, 12 сарын 10-ны өдөр -- НҮБ–ын Ерөнхий Ассамблей 1948 оны 12–р сарын 10–нд Хүний эрхийн Түгээмэл Тунхаглалыг соёрхон баталснаар жил бүрийн энэ өдрийг олон улс даяар Хүний...
30 November 2020
Innovative digital technologies will drive agricultural outputs, fuel improvements to food quality and safety, and reach new heights of profitability in the foreseeable future, according to experts speaking at a joint UN forum in Asia and the Pacific on digital agricultural solutions. The experts, gathered from around the world, have shared...