FAO in Mongolia


06 June 2019
Stakeholder meeting for the Piloting an improved animal identification and registration system (AIRS) in Mongolia was organized by FAO Mongolia in partner with Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia (MoFALI), French Livestock Institute (IDELE).  Mongolia has the human and natural resource base to produce ‘green’ livestock products;...
01 June 2019
World Milk Day Greetings by Mr.Vinod Ahuja, Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Mongolia and H.E. Mr. Traian Laurentiu Hristea, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the European Union to Mongolia   On behalf of FAO and EU in Mongolia, it is our pleasure to extend our greetings...
30 May 2019
FAO Mongolia celebrated the World Milk Milk at the UN House. Support to employment creation in Mongolia (SECiM): Piloting quality private sector work in selected livestock and vegetable value chains project staffs promoted the benefits of  daily dairy and distributed dairy products to the all the agencies loacted within UN...
28 May 2019
Mongolia celebrates World Milk Day for the 4th year with the highlight in Dairy in support of Sustainable Development Goals in collaboration with the Government of Mongolia and all stakeholders in dairy value chain. During the celebration, Ms. Tsetsgee. S, dairy producer and dairy processing technologist Advisory engineer presented Mongolian Dairy...
24 May 2019
FAO has been supporting The Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security (VGGT) activities in Mongolia, since November 2014, in particular regular meetings of the national platform on governance of tenure and of its relating Working Group....