FAO in Mongolia


17 April 2019
On April 16, 2019, FAO Representative, Vinod Ahuja, briefed the president on FAO’s recent upgrade to a full country representation and its commitment to expand cooperation in the fields of food security and nutrition, sustainable agriculture development, decent employment creation, natural resource management, and preparedness and response capacities. The president...
16 April 2019
FAO Mongolia team and the Senior Officers from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MOFALI) had an extended meeting on April 15, 2019 to discuss upcoming projects and FAO future programming in Mongolia. Led by the Acting State Secretary of MOFALI, Mr. Jambaltseren Tumur-Uya, MOFALI team comprised the...
15 April 2019
FAO Mongolia staff initiated efforts to engage with school children and youth in Mongolia on global food challenges . As a kick start, Mr. Vinod Ahuja, FAOR in Mongolia delivered a guest lecture on the topic “Creating a Sustainable Food Future: The Next Big Challenge” to the third year students...
13 April 2019
"National Programme on Supporting Intensive Livestock Development" was approved by Government Resolution No. 400 in 2018. In order to support the implementation of the national programme, “Support to Employment Creation” project organized “Regional Conference on Intensive Livestock Farming” in Darkhan-Uul aimag on April 12, 2019 in collaboration with the MOFALI,...
11 April 2019
FAO team led by Resident Representative Vinod Ajuha held a briefing meeting with H.E. Ulaan Chultem, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia.  The sides held discussions on particular issues including the implementation of joint projects on technical assistance, development of policy documents under the cooperation program, intensifying implementation...