FAO in Mongolia


10 June 2020
10 June, 2020 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Dairy Asia Secretariat Office officially launches in Ulaanbaatar with the support of Government of Mongolia (GoM) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). During its last meeting in 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, it became evident that Dairy Asia is prepared to enter...
07 June 2020
ХХААХҮЯ, ЭМЯ, НҮБ-ын ХХААБ, ДЭМБ-ын Хамтарсан мэдэгдэл  Хүн бүр аюулгүй, шим тэжээлтэй хүнсээр хангагдах эрхтэй. Хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүний аюулгүй байдал алдагдах нь хүүхдийн суралцах болон насанд хүрэгчдийн ажиллах бүтээмжийг бууруулдаг. Хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүний аюулгүй байдлыг хангах нь Тогтвортой хөгжлийн төлөөх 17 зорилгын эрүүл мэндийг дэмжих, өлсгөлөнг зогсоох тухай хоёр зорилгод хүрэх чухал нөхцөл...
15 May 2020
BURMAA: “I EARN MORE FROM SALES OF MILK TO GER KITCHEN” In the past, Burmaa’s 11 cows used to produce 45 liters of milk per day, but Burmaa was not always able to sell this milk as there were too few buyers. Most of the time, she only needed a small...
29 April 2020
FAO Mongolia has started piloting the use of salt blocks to facilitate testing for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), a highly contagious viral disease that affects both livestock as well as markets since outbreaks can cause severe economic losses. The spread of FMD in Eastern Mongolia is poorly understood and outbreaks...
27 April 2020
Deadline: 10 May, 2020 Organizational Unit: GCP/MON/014/EC project  Location: Ulaanbaatar with travel to the field Duration: 8 month (non-extendable) Qualified female applicants are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.   Under the overall supervision of the FAOR in Mongolia and direct supervision of the National Project Manager,...