FAO in Mongolia


17 October 2019
Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed members of food and agriculture sectors, I welcome you all as honored guests. The United Nations “World Food Day” is commemorated on the 16th of October every year since 1981. Mongolia, as a member state of the United Nations, supports this initiative and conducts public events every...
16 October 2019
Нэгдсэн Үндэстний Байгууллагын Хүнс хөдөө аж ахуйн байгууллага нь 1945 оны 10 дугаар сарын 16-ны өдөр дэлхийн II дайны хөлд нэрвэгдэж туйлдаж ядарсан хүн төрөлхтнийг өлсгөлөн гуйланчлалаас гаргахад олон улсын хамтын нөхөрлөлийн хүчийг нэгтгэх зорилгоор  байгуулагдсан юм. НҮБ-ын ХХААБ-ын үйл ажиллагаа нь манай гарагийн хүн бүр цаг ямагт эрүүл чийрэг оршин ...
15 October 2019
[Монголоор доош гүйлгэж уншина уу.] When countries signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, there was a sense of hope and optimism. Among other things, the world leaders promised to lead us to a world without hunger and poverty by the year 2030. Four years later the world continues...
03 October 2019
Genetic diversity provides the raw material for farmers and herders to improve their breeds and adapt livestock populations to changing environments and changing demands. Animal genetic resources (AnGR) are the main biological capital for livestock development, food security and sustainable rural development. Despite the importance of livestock biodiversity, the value...
26 August 2019
FAO has initiated technical cooperation project “Enhancing Efficiency and Traceability of Agricultural Value Chains in Mongolia through innovations and ICTs” in order to assist Government of Mongolia piloting prioritized ICT solution in agriculture services. This project will pilot an application of block chain technology based solution to agriculture value chain. The...