Events archive

8th European Symposium on South American Camelids and 4th European Meeting on Fibre Animals

8th European Symposium on South American Camelids and 4th European Meeting on Fibre Animals

From: 26.09.2022 to: 28.09.2022
Where: Bolzano, Italy

Following the tradition of previous events, the Symposium will cover a broad range of topics related to the breeding, husbandry and sustainability of South American domestic and wild Camelids, wool...

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Mountain agrobiodiversity: Contribution to the sustainable development of mountain areas

Mountain agrobiodiversity: Contribution to the sustainable development of mountain areas

From: 19.09.2022 to: 19.09.2022
Where: New Delhi, India

Covering around one quarter of the world's land surface, mountains host about half of the world's biodiversity hotspots and 30 percent of all Key Biodiversity Areas, as well as vital...

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Mountain Biodiversity 2002-2022: Achievements and next challenges at global and regional level

Mountain Biodiversity 2002-2022: Achievements and next challenges at global and regional level

From: 16.09.2022 to: 16.09.2022
Where: Online

In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly called on governments, national and international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to make voluntary contributions in accordance with the Economic and...

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Cryosphere and related hazards in High Mountain Asia in a changing climate

Cryosphere and related hazards in High Mountain Asia in a changing climate

From: 15.09.2022 to: 18.09.2022
Where: UN Building, Kazakhstan

The Cryosphere Initiative, with UNESCOAga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), the Government of Kazakhstan, and the Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre in...

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International Mountain Conference 2022

International Mountain Conference 2022

From: 11.09.2022 to: 15.09.2022
Where: Innsbruck, Austria

The International Mountain Conference 2022 (IMC2022), to be hosted by the University of Innsbruck, will support mountain research and exchange among disciplines to gather and shape all available knowledge.

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From: 06.09.2022 to: 07.09.2022
Where: Brig-Glis, Switzerland

The AlpWeek is an international event co-organized by the leading Alpine organisations committed to mountain protection and sustainable development. The 2022 edition will take place in the Alpine town of...

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