Events archive

Launch of the Living Chapel

Launch of the Living Chapel

From: 05.06.2020 to: 05.06.2020
Where: Rome, Italy

On the occasion of UN World Environment Day, dedicated this year to biodiversity, the Living Chapel will be presented with a live Facebook event. The launch of the Living Chapel, hosted...

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ICENECDEV Update on Sustainable Food System Meeting

ICENECDEV Update on Sustainable Food System Meeting

From: 25.03.2020 to: 25.03.2020
Where: Cameroon

The International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV) has called a meeting of relevant stakeholders to discuss updates on Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) of the 10-Year Framework of...

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12th Meeting of Ibero-American Ministers of Tourism

12th Meeting of Ibero-American Ministers of Tourism

From: 09.03.2020 to: 10.03.2020
Where: Andorra

The Ibero-American Ministers of Tourism will meet within the framework of the  27th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government in order to work on the issues that will...

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Mountain Gathering at the Second Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Mountain Gathering at the Second Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

From: 25.02.2020 to: 25.02.2020
Where: FAO, Rome, Italy

This informal mountain gathering targets decision-makers and aims to review the latest scientific evidence related to mountain biodiversity, discuss policy recommendations and why mountains should be elevated within the ongoing...

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World Biodiversity Forum

World Biodiversity Forum

From: 23.02.2020 to: 28.02.2020
Where: Davos, Switzerland

This forum aims to bring together diverse perspectives to redefine and set the agenda for biodiversity efforts over the next decade. The forum supports the “New Deal for Nature” to...

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New Zealand Alpine Club Summer National Climbing Camp

New Zealand Alpine Club Summer National Climbing Camp

From: 01.02.2020 to: 08.02.2020
Where: Hunter Valley, New Zealand

This climbing camp, hosted by Mountain Partnership member New Zealand Alpine Club, is a chance to experience and appreciate a wild and secluded portion of the New Zealand Mountains.

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