Events archive

Side event at Conference of the Parties 14 to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP 14)

Side event at Conference of the Parties 14 to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP 14)

From: 12.09.2019 to: 12.09.2019
Where: New Delhi, India

The Secretariats of the Mountain Partnership and the Global Mechanism/UNCCD will be holding a side event at UNCCD COP 14 at the India Expo Centre and Market in New Delhi,...

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CLimate-Smart Forestry in MOuntain Regions (CLIMO) workshop

CLimate-Smart Forestry in MOuntain Regions (CLIMO) workshop

From: 09.09.2019 to: 11.09.2019
Where: Stará Lesná, Slovakia

The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is organizing a "CLimate-Smart Forestry in MOuntain Regions" workshop in Stará Lesná, Slovakia from 9 - 11 September 2019.

Forestry has a key...

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International Mountain Conference

International Mountain Conference

From: 08.09.2019 to: 12.09.2019
Where: Innsbruck, Austria

Evaluating the responses of mountains to climate change and mountains’ resilience as social-ecological systems requires the consideration of multiple and mutually interacting stressors. The International Mountain Conference 2019 aims to...

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International Forum on Cryosphere and Society

International Forum on Cryosphere and Society

From: 28.08.2019 to: 30.08.2019
Where: Kathmandu, Nepal

ICIMOD and its partners are organizing an international forum on the relationship between the cryosphere and society. The event will focus on the emerging area of cryosphere contributions. While the concept of...

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World Food Expo (WOFEX)

World Food Expo (WOFEX)

From: 07.08.2019 to: 10.08.2019
Where: Manila, Philippines

The Philippines' biggest food show, the World Food Expo (WOFEX), will be held in Manila from 7 - 10 August. Mountain Partnership member Slow Food will be presenting about...

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High-Level Political Forum Mountain Partnership Side Event: Building Climate Action in Mountains

High-Level Political Forum Mountain Partnership Side Event: Building Climate Action in Mountains

From: 16.07.2019 to: 16.07.2019
Where: United Nations Headquarters, New York

Mountain ecosystems are home to almost one billion people, or 15 percent of the world’s population, and provide essential services for downstream areas, particularly water regulation. Climate change increasingly threatens...

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