
Building and renovating in a sustainable way: from strategy to realization

Idrija, Slovenia
From: 17.10.2014 to: 17.10.2014

“How can a house be built or refurbished in a sustainable way? What kind of general framework needs to be set up by a municipality in order to build with the lowest energy consumption possible?” These questions and more will be answered at a workshop on 17 October 2014.

The workshop is organized by International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) and the "Alpine Town of the Year" association with the support of the Municipality of Idrija, "Alpine Town of the Year 2011" and the project MountEE co-financed by the European Union within the programme "Intelligent Energy Europe".

During the workshop city, regional and national government officials, building sector professionals and energy agency representatives will discuss the strategies and regulations that govern building construction. Towns in the Alps and other European mountain regions have shown that housing construction techniques can reduce energy consumption.

Please register before 10 October 2014.
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