
Joint International Summer School : Advanced methods and new integrated approaches to study soil processes in mountain ecosystems

Pieve Tesino, Italy
From: 26.06.2016 to: 30.06.2016

The Italian Society of Soil Science (SISS) is organizing afour-day international summer school entitled “Advanced methods and new integrated approaches to study soil processes in mountain ecosystems” under the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action “Enhancing the Resilience Capacity of Sensitive Mountain Forest Ecosystems under Environmental Change” (SENSFOR). The summer school is aimed at Phd students and researchers interested in innovative methods to study mountain soil properties and processes through integrated approaches.

Interested applicants can send application form - available at the SENSFOR website  - to  [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] by 15 February 2016. 15 SensFor COST Action grantsare available for the applicants.

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